Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does straightening/curling your hair affect hair growth?

Most of the people in my family have really thick, healthy hair when they're younger, but they lose hair earlier than they should; around middle age. I've been straightening my hair a lot, and it just occurred to me that it might be harmful and cause my hair to fall out even earlier. Does anyone know if it does affect it?

Does straightening/curling your hair affect hair growth?

it could make the hair week and it will fall off not at the root it will just break off.

Does straightening/curling your hair affect hair growth?

It most certainly does. The absolute worst thing for HEAT.

There is something called FIA


you can damage the hair follicle permanently by over straightening your hair.....

I talk about it a lot..........

www . killerstrands . blogspot . com

Does straightening/curling your hair affect hair growth?

I think that what you do to your hair on the outside doesn't affect anything on the inside hairs are just dead cells so by straightening your hair a lot the only think your doing is burning it if your going to keep straightening it that much just be sure to buy one of those sprays you put on before you straighten your hair so you wont burn it that much, also you said it has hap pend in your family so maybe its just a heredity thing.

Does straightening/curling your hair affect hair growth?

the straghteners wont affect the thinning of your hair but they are very damaging unless you are using the correct products to match your straightners.

hair thins with age and most families have the same growth pattern, if your hair starts to fall out go to your pharmacy-they can recommend a product for your own hair type. :)

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