Saturday, November 28, 2009

For hair what we can do the healthy and for long hair?

Massage your scalp once a week with warm natural oils (Aloe Vera or Coconut) targeted for hair growth. Make sure you wrap your hair (after you massaged the oil) and keep it for 2 to 3 hours. It's not the fastest solution but it's the best in the long run.

For hair what we can do the healthy and for long hair?

Try not to wash your hair every day,brush your hair a 100 times a day, the oil that your hair release is sometimes good for your hair so by brushing it the oil can get to the ends and at the same time stimulate your scalp

For hair what we can do the healthy and for long hair?

My hair is very long, down to my hips almost - I dye it black once every 4 or 5 weeks which is not good really, but I try to stick to one brand. I use L'oreal shampoo %26amp; conditioner - the red bottle which I find really works. Try usng plenty of conditioner all over your hair - %26amp; leave it on for at least one minute. You can buy serums (try charles Worthington) to put on the ends as it protects it from split ends and makes it easier to brush when wet.

Finally...when brushing your hair - start from the end parts, and brush out the knots there before working your way up to the roots.

For hair what we can do the healthy and for long hair?

please go through this site .

For hair what we can do the healthy and for long hair?

massage regularly with olive oil

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