Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

well not is it healty but if you straighting it will it stay healthy?

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

no its not healthy

it dehydrates your hair

but due to fashion craz people do it

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

no it is not good for the hair

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

Yes it is but if you do it sparringly and use good products to stop it you'll be fine.

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

Well, not exactly. Straightening your hair can give you split ends and damage your hair. My suggestion is to use a protective spray on your hair before you straighten it. This way, the spray takes the heat rather than your hair. It also smells nice.

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

put a heat protectant on before straightning and try not to do it every day, it definately dries your hair.

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

Not if you straighten it everyday. If it's an everyday thing, you hair won't look as healthy..

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

Straightening your hair is unhealthy for it. The heat destroys your hair sucks the moisture out of it, and can be a major cause of split ends. Avoid straightening as much as you can. Your hair will not stay healthy if you straighten it a lot.

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

THe heat is bad for your hair, but it's fine to do occasionally. Certain ceramic straighteners are less damaging for the hair.

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

no, not at all. it's actually really bad for your hair. if you're straightening it, make sure you have it dry all the way before starting because if the ends are wet they will split and fry out. also spray a heat protectant in your hair before blowdrying and before straightening. it really works trust me, and it makes your hair softer. so, no straightening is not good but i do it almost every day for the last 2 or so years. also get regular hair cuts so your hair doesnt split too much and ruin your whole head. then you'll have to shave it lol and thats not good.

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

no but u can use products to protect from so much damage

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

it grows back out and the right conditioner will solve most problems. plus a little damage makes hair do more things. i have colored my hair for 20 years. and i dont need a conditioner ever!

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

No starighnting your hair is very bad beacuse it dries and burns hair.You will shed excessivly and it takes away nutrients...straightning once in a while is okay


take it from a salon owner...

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

no not at all. its gonna evantually fall out if you stratin it evryday like what i used to do. i stoped becasue alot of my hair was falling out

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

if you have naturally curly hair or wavy hair and you keep it straightened it will eventually fry your hair or make it look like it is brittle and coarse...i have naturally curly hair and wanted to straighten it out and it litterally made my hair frizzy bad so now im having to use alot of oils and treatments until my hair grows enough to have it cut and let it heal ....even to curling irons if used all the time puts strain on your hair so its good to use a good conditioner and curl it every other day or maybe about four times a week and then give your hair a break from the heat.....

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

If your hair has been healthy it will stay healthy. Straightening your hair with a hot comb or a flat iron is not very good for your hair because it contains lots oh heat. Lots of heat make your hair to break off. Make sure the person tht is doing it does not burns your hair!

Is straighting your hair healthy for your hair?

Just don't do it everyday, do it twice a week. I prefer to flat iron my hair then wrap it everynight.

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