Sunday, November 22, 2009

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky & long**~~ ??

(Please read the complete details)

My hair is naturally dark black %26amp; i have no interest in colouring my hair.

I have long hair, earlier it was very thick but now it is becoming

thinner !. It is losing all its earlier vitality.

I don't know what is the reason.

Am i lacking in my diet ??

I am 19 , please suggest the fruits or vegetables that i should

include in my diet.

Please suggest some home made remedies to apply on my

hair. I want my hair to become healthy as it was earlier.

~~**Please help**~~

~~**Thanks for responding**~~

~~**Spread smiles**~~ :-)

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

hello babe, well lets start. ur quite young so dont stress, usually if u are stressed about something it takes roughly three months for your body to show tell tale signs, so if u had surgery where u were put under for example, ur hair will mult 3 months later its a normal thing if u have had surgery or are taking any types of prescriptions, your body has weird ways of dealing with stress, skin disorders, sleep patterns, hair loss, etc, these things are nothing to worry about, your hair also does go thru phases of where it will grow for months to years and then drop out and re grow, but dont worry not all of it jus some of it, (as u get older with time ur hair has a natural thinning process, we all go thru it with age, but lucky if u have natural dark thick hair to begin with) - it seems like alot but trust me it will be back in no time. so try not to stress. hair also needs sleep and hydration and nuitrition, if ur lacking sleep and diets not to great? try a mult v also take silica which is good for maitaining shine and health. silica comes in tab form at pharmacies, drink drink drink, water!!!! thats what keeps ur hair also hydrated, whatever u lack ur hair cops as well so if ur hairs dry try and eat things with natural oils like salads with avocado, they contain natural oils do not opt for fatty oils as they will make ur hair produce more oil and wont give much to making ur hair grow, keep up treatments trims etc, and its good to not color ur hair, keep it real and u will have nice length, color and people will envy what they dont have. things that contain zinc are also fab! also take tab form, zinc is found in carrots i think, sweet potatoes and other foods greens and leafy vege, look it up. and if hair is damaged at ends cut it immediatley, damaged hair is as useless as a flat tyre, it will also affect the good parts of the hair by travelling upwards which jus snaps off anyway. hope i was of some help. try kerastase masquintense by loreal its an awesome hair treatment, dont stress! goodluck.xox

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

Go to any drugstore. Buy some prenatal vitamins, and take one a day. Trust me, it not only makes your hair grow quickly, make it shiney..but it makes it thicker!! Plus, it will make your nails grow thicker and quicker, and your skin clearer!!


~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

take multi vitamins, have keratin protein treatments weekly, and NEVER NEVER use a hair brush, only a wide tooth comb to prevent splits and breakage. it's normal to lose some hair, but if you are losing large clumps, consult your Physician.

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

Add some Knox gelatin to your diet.

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

Eat lots of fruits and vegetable. Go with the food pyramid. Also include lots of protein.If your loosing hair really fast, talk to a doctor.

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

Bondi: when you say your hair is long, that may be why you think it is getting thin.Hair is never as thick at the ends as it is near the scalp,as far as conditioners go,there is probably no need to use one, unless your hair has been damaged.up until the 1950s. there weren't any around,except for deep conditioners,what people used was a lemon rinse,recipe;1oz lemon juice 7oz warm water,the acid will counter-act, the alkalies in the shampoo and give the hair a shine---- good luck

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

do you smoke? because if you do, then that is one of the reasons why you're having a hair problem...

try putting mayonnaise on your hair, cover it with a shower cap and let it stay for 15-30 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. if mayonnaise is not available, use eggyolk. and you can also apply the eggwhite to your face as a bonus facial...

try it!!! it works...

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

you use vegetables oil

curd with lemon

use every day

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

See miss I would like to give you advice that :

1] Stop applying cosmetic items like after shower gels.

2] After washing your hairs let them remain wet for some time and after some time apply some hair oil [coconut oil].

3] About diet you should eat fresh fruits ,amla ,and maintain a regular diet .

4] I hope you will get some benefit out of it. Bye

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

use a good hair oil, protein shampoo and condition well. save them from wear and tear

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results. Check the source for more information and review.

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

eat healthy, protiens, fats etc. drink plenty of water.take vitamins trim regularly

~~**What should i use to make my hair grow more healthy, thick, shiny, silky %26amp; long**~~ ??

I've got the same question. Stress, what a terrible disease!

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